Tag: #JudgingJames2024

  • Modern(ish) mystery: First impressions of Cover Her Face

    Modern(ish) mystery: First impressions of Cover Her Face

    New year, new… murder mystery series, I guess. This year’s holiday reading binge introduce me to P.D. James, and I enjoyed her writing enough to try and explore it further. The short stories I read had flavors of the classic English mysteries I love, but with a little more darkness. There was something about the…

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  • 2023: A year of reading, writing, and growth

    2023: A year of reading, writing, and growth

    …and that’s it, I suppose, for 2023! It’s the last day of the year and, looking back, I can’t help but be amazed at how far I’ve come. This time last year, I was very much just starting out. I was rushing to write blog posts, find challenges to give myself some structure, and figure…

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