One Year of The Cozy Owlet! Some lessons learned…
It is absolutely bonkers to me that today marks the one-year anniversary of The Cozy Owlet. If you had asked me about the outcome of this experiment one year ago, I would have given myself 50/50 odds of continuing to now. My other hobbies come and go in fits and starts – I’ll go through…
Marion Lane and the Character of a Conclusion
It’s probably a good sign when you start out with the audiobook version and get so impatient that you switch to the written word. It’s a rare occurrence for me, because I usually listen to nonfiction that can function as extended podcast. Or, if I’m listening to fiction, it’s of the cozy variety that does…
The caricature and the compass: different lenses into crime
I recently came across two explorations of the crime genre that happened to intersect at an interesting time. The first: Kate Jackson (of crossexaminingcrime.com)’s wonderfully funny new release How to Survive a Classic Crime Novel. (Thanks to In Search of the Classic Mystery Novel for this find!) And second, an episode of Revisionist History by…
Mixing Murder and Mythology in Threads that Bind
I’ve loved mythology stories since elementary school, and 2023 has been an unexpectedly fun year for them. From VenCo to Thief Liar Lady to The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, this year has served up a number of remixes on tales from the past. The best of these stories, in my opinion, do more than simply…
The Housekeepers: Exploring the systems that keep rich people misbehaving
We’ll keep the Summer of Scandal going by breaking down the systems that enable Rich People to act up. There are certain levels of excess that can only happen when people are paid to make them so. When these systems work smoothly, they’re almost invisible – it can just seem like the wealthy have charmed…
What Money Can Buy: Bad Summer People
I’m back! Sorry for the long hiatus – I was in the midst of training and all of my fiction reading turned into case materials. But after a month of deep-diving into business problems, we are BACK with room to think more deeply about literary ones. And first on the list is Bad Summer People…
Amina al-Sirafi: an adventurous portrait of motherhood
I’ve been reading a lot of mystery lately, so I was very excited to pick up a copy of The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi and really lose myself in fantasy for a while. Going into the book, I expected a story different from others I’m used to reading (I don’t read a lot of pirate…
An ode to independent bookstores: an oasis of caring and exploration
Last Saturday was Independent Bookstore Day, and I (of course) bought a pile of books at my favorite bookstore in SF, Dog-Eared Books. There’s nothing like walking into a great bookstore, and I always leave with a stack of new reads. Not only that – I always find new books I could never find anywhere…
The Cozy Owlet’s favorite 2022 reads, Pt. 3: Fantasy
Happy New Year’s Eve! And welcome back to my end-of-year roundup of my favorite books of the year. Today, we’re taking a look at fantasy novels – a genre I hope to write about more in 2023 – and highlighting my favorite book of the year. My favorite fantasies: holding up a magic mirror to…
The Cozy Owlet’s favorite 2022 reads, Pt. 2: Mystery & crime
Welcome back to my end-of-year roundup of my favorite books of the year. Yesterday, we covered one of my favorite voyeuristic, meta-fictional genres, the epistolary. Today, we’re going to dive deeper into my “home base” genre – mystery and crime novels. These are: My favorite mystery & crime novels: clever protagonists making sense of our…