…And we’re tackling the 52 Book Club challenge again this year, but with a bit of a writing twist. You can use this page to follow along on progress:

- A pun in the title
- A character with red hair
- Title starts with the letter “M”
- Title starts with the letter “N”
- Plot includes a heist
- Genre One: Set in Spring
- Genre Two: Set in Summer
- Genre Three: Set in Autumn
- Genre Four: Set in Winter
- Author’s last name is also a first name
- A prequel
- Has a moon on the cover
- Title in ten letters or less
- Climate fiction
- Includes Latin American history
- Author has won an Edgar Award
- Told in verse
- A character who can fly
- Has short chapters
- A fairy tale retelling
- Character’s name in the title
- Found family trope
- A sprayed edge
- Title is a spoiler
- Breaks the fourth wall
- More than a million copies sold
- Features a magician
- A crossover (set in a shared universe)
- Shares universe with last prompt
- In the public domain
- Includes a diary entry
- A standalone novel
- Direction in the title
- Written in third person
- Final sentence is less than 6 words long
- Genre chosen for you by someone else
- An adventure story
- Has an epigraph
- Stream of consciousness narrative
- Cover font is in a primary color
- Non-human antagonist
- Explores social class
- A celebrity on the cover
- Author releases more than one book a year
- Read in a “-ber” month
- “I think it was blue”
- Related to the word “puzzle”
- Set in a country with an active volcano
- Set in the 1940s
- 300-400 pages long
- Published in 2025
My posts and monthly roundups can be found here: